Thanks for putting these ideas out there. This is simultaneously the most thorough & abstract article I've read on major challenges facing humanity!

As a reader, I have a few pieces of feedback:

0. I really like the way you pose questions, inviting others to ponder with you! A lot of media these days is focused on giving answers, rather than inviting creative contribution.

1. While we covered a lot of abstract ground, it all felt rather vague & over-generalized. This made the writing difficult follow for more than a few paragraphs. I left feeling, "Hmm, yes, I largely agree with the problems & general paradigm shifts, but I'm not sure what I learned beyond the reminder that these things abstractly exist." I would really love it if concrete examples were included, especially from your own life. I'd check out https://sundogg.substack.com/p/bioloneliness, which does a lovely job of moving between the personal/concrete, and societal/abstract.

That said, I can also sustain that there's a place for highly abstract and general writing. I do wish, personally, though, that your writing were slightly more bite-sized or focused if it's going to be so abstract.

2. I personally could really benefit from visual representations of these ideas

3. As a reader, I couldn't help feeling: these lists are so long... aren't there a shorter list of key paradigm shifts upstream of these problems?

That said, it was really neat to see the overlap in questions you're asking with ones I've been asking myself the last year or so. I've been explore many of the questions you raise through my chosen creative medium: visual explanations.

Here are some things I've made, feel free to check them out if they catch your eye. I'd also love your feedback on them!

Michelle Jia (from Sundogg Substack, which I linked earlier) and I made a documentary digging into how ad-driven mass media limits creative diversity, and how to get around that, by starting with a case study of the most broadly succesful person on YouTube, MrBeast.


Working with Michelle and my friend Vishesh Gupta, I gave a 5 minute talk on shifting the paradigm in data visualization (my day job) at EYEO 2022


To your point about over-simplification, I explored the idea of how to work with our tendency to turn things into simple stories, looking at the case study of YouTube legend Casey Neistat


I also made this fun little video to illustrate the difference between the mechanistic and organic paradigms, when applied to creativity. The general spirit behind this feels very in-line with your invitation to ponder rather than jump to conclusions.


Would love to hear your thoughts on any of them!

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